Modern Threats Require Modern Solutions

Hurricanes, superstorms, wildfires, extreme temperatures, and other major weather events have dominated headlines as weather threats increase in frequency and veracity around the world. With communities of all sizes in many countries increasingly at risk of experiencing extreme weather, the need for reliable service from those providing electricity, water, internet, and other essential utilities has only grown. 

This has led to a shift in mindsets regarding preparedness where, in the past, having a plan in place was often seen as sufficient. However, the rise of modern threats has required utilities and emergency management professionals to be ready to act on a moment’s notice with disasters requiring a robust response – and to be able to bounce back from disaster should one occur.

Looking ahead through 2023 – and beyond – stakeholders can expect to see a continued focus on operational resiliency in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Leveraging GIS Data to Strengthen Resiliency

Operational resiliency refers to the ability of an organization or system to maintain or quickly recover its normal operations in the face of disruptions or disasters. With the increasing complexity and interconnectedness found in communities around the world, operational resiliency has become a critical concern for businesses and governments.

One trend that’s grown since its inception in the last decade and is likely to continue to rise in 2023 is the use of GIS to predict and prepare for natural disasters.

By analyzing historical data on natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, and floods, GIS can help organizations to identify patterns and predict where and when these events are likely to occur in the future. This historical data can be used to develop contingency plans and take proactive measures to minimize the impact of future disasters on day-to-day operations.

Another GIS trend that increases operational resiliency is the use of spatial data analysis to understand and respond to supply chain disruptions. With the increasingly global nature of supply chains, organizations must be able to anticipate and respond to disruptions that can arise from a wide range of sources, including natural disasters, transportation disruptions, and political instability. GIS can help organizations to understand the risks and vulnerabilities in their supply chains by mapping out real-time locations of suppliers, transportation routes, and other vital assets. This information can be used to identify alternative supply sources and to develop contingency and preparedness plans for responding to disruptions.

In addition to predicting and preparing for operational disruptions, we can also expect to see a continued focus on using GIS to monitor and analyze the impacts of disturbances on an ongoing basis.

By collecting real-time data on the location and status of key assets and resources, GIS can help organizations to understand the extent of disruptions and to track progress in recovery efforts. Emergency management or utility professionals can use this information to coordinate response efforts and make informed decisions about how to allocate resources most effectively.

Overall, the use of GIS in predicting and preparing for operational disruptions will continue to be a key trend in the field of operational resiliency in 2023. 

Operational Resiliency, Powered by The DataCapable Platform

At DataCapable, we’re committed to helping utilities, municipalities, and other organizations streamline existing workflows while expanding an operations center’s scope and intake of information. Our products empower DataCapable’s Partners to respond quickly and confidently to threats – extreme weather or beyond – wherever and whenever they occur.

In recent years, there has been a clear need for the development of tools and technologies that can help organizations achieve operational resiliency.

Organizations have lacked a resource capable of providing a geospatial common operating picture of assets, employees, and mutual aid resources combined with real-time actionable intelligence and situational awareness to operators, stakeholders, and communities throughout the impacted regions.

This need led DataCapable to develop its own operational resilience tool, the Community Portal.

With pinpoint accuracy, field technicians, municipal officials, and citizens in the community can map and report trouble spots via the Community Portal, adding photo references that enable quick and coordinated responses. As recovery begins, action plans can then be communicated via text and email to stakeholders throughout the chain in a transparent, accurate, and timely manner. Combined, this forms an easy-to-navigate, common operating picture that can integrate into existing workflows.

In the future, tools and resources like the Community Portal will transform multiple industries and showcase the necessity for spatial and operational resilience while highlighting the role GIS plays in emergency response efforts. 

As industries continue to embrace the use of  GIS-centric tools for emergency event response, the necessity of operational resilience will become more apparent. DataCapable remains committed to developing solutions that keep people, places, and critical assets one step ahead of threats with real-time situational awareness.